Tips for writing job descriptions to attract candidates

Ho Chi Minh 2742

Job Description is considered the first contact point of businesses and potential candidates. Bringing a positive experience to candidates through recruitment information is extremely important that businesses should note. You need a high-quality job description in order to excite and attract candidates. With some of the following tips, it will definitely help you get an engaging job description and give the best experience to potential candidates.

Choose a clear and specific job title

When a candidate looks for vacancies, they look at the job titles they believe they qualify for. If the job title you are applying for is not clear or descriptive, it will make candidates confused. Therefore, you should choose a job title that you are hiring in a simple and clear way so that candidates know exactly what they are applying for.

Choose a clear and specific job title. (Image: Internet)

Introduce your own company culture

Your company culture should appear in every activity the company does, including the job description.

It is the good way to set your company apart from your competitors. When job descriptions effectively show off the culture and personality of the business, it will attract candidates that match your company culture.

The unique company culture embodied in your job description can also create excitement and make the business more memorable.

Introduce your own company culture. (Image: Internet)

Job description is short and easy to understand

If your job description is wordy, difficult to read, or too complex, it will drive candidates away. Therefore, in order to attract more high-quality candidates, you need to have job descriptions that are easy to read and understand.

Use short paragraphs, bullets, and headlines so candidates know quickly and easily whether they qualify for the position. This will help to improve the quality of your candidates.

Highlight your business

In order to attract the best potential candidates for your company, you need to let them know what your business is doing and how your organization's life is.

Providing enough information about the company can make candidates more excited about what you do and apply quickly.

It is possible to make a short video about your company on the job site to share videos about your office life, daily work or company values and allow other team members to share their experiences with the company, as well as what the team is hoping to achieve.

Mobile friendly job description

Ignoring mobile devices is a bad idea when creating job descriptions. Most candidates today choose smartphones or tablets instead of laptops or desktop computers to find jobs. Hence, your job description needs to be improved with mobile devices.

Mobile friendly job description. (Image: Internet)

Mobile-expanded job descriptions and job descriptions pages are not only improve the candidate experience, but can also boost Google rankings. Keep your description paragraphs short and easy to read.

Offer a salary range

Specific salary included in job descriptions has been a topic of long-term interest.

However, each candidate will always have expectations for what they want to be paid for. If you do not give any indication of how much your company is budgeting for the position, you run the risk of wasting time interviewing potential candidates. If you want to offer experience-based salaries, provide a range of salaries you can offer.

Timeframe for recruitment

Businesses often go through the hiring process at their own pace. While one business is looking to fill a vacancy within a week or two, another can hire when the candidate can start. If you have a strict timeframe for the hiring process, you need to clarify this in the job description.

Let the applicant know when they can receive a job offer from you or when you would like to be recruited. Keep in touch openly so you get to know a candidate's wishes and improve the candidate's experience.

Creating attractive and engaging job content is of utmost importance to recruiters. If you cannot get a job description that really catches the attention of a potential candidate and gets them excited to apply, you lose many chances of finding the right and best candidates.

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