Secret Recipe for Successful Recruitment

New World Saigon Hotel - 76 Le Lai, District 1, HC 6596


Nowadays, the talent recruitment market in Vietnam has become more vibrant than ever. Recruiters are not only filling vacancies but also looking for new members who can contribute to the sustainable growth. But how to find the "gem" match between a lot of talent? What are the most effective recruitment channels?


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact HR2B Executive Search in Vietnam


Understand the recruitment needs, HR2B proudly organize an interactive seminar "How to Understand the Recruitment Market in Vietnam” in 29 July, 2016 at New World Saigon Hotel. This seminar aims to provide insight knowledge about recruitment market in Vietnam. Register to join this seminar to meet Mr. Tom Vovers - General Director and Ms. Vu Thi Thu Hien - Executive Search Director of HR2B to discuss about recruitment channels, selection mistakes and secret recipe of successful selection process.


At the event, we will focus on:

  • What are the 7 recruitment channels?

  • Which channels will suit your needs?

  • What are the 12 most common use candidate criteria?

  • Selection mistakes? How to avoid those mistakes?


More information:


  • Time: 8:00 - 10:30, Thursday 21 July 2016
  • Venue: New World Saigon Hotel - 76 Le Lai, District 1, HCM
  • Language: English

What are you waiting? Register to join this seminar now!


Only 100 complimentary tickets available, first come first serve!

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