DaNang Workshop November 21st 2014

Da Nang 5441

DaNang Workshop November 21st, 2014

On November 21st 2014 HR2B held a workshop for HR Professionals and General Directors of Central Economic Zone companies. The event was held at the HR2B Da Nang Office. Over 40 people attended with representatives from Hospitality, manufacturing, FMCG and Retail industries.

The first session led by Tom Vovers of HR2B explored the theory on employer branding for effective recruitment. In the second session the group followed a structured experience sharing method that helped them come up with concrete action plans they can use back in their organisations.

The day ended with a light refreshments, and a commitment to meet again in the New Year.

You can find photos for this event here.

DaNang Workshop November 21st 2014

DaNang Workshop November 21st 2014

DaNang Workshop November 21st 2014

DaNang Workshop November 21st 2014

DaNang Workshop November 21st 2014

DaNang Workshop November 21st 2014

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