HR2B Sponsors 20th Annual AmCham’s USA Independence Day Picnic

Ho Chi Minh 6062

On Saturday June 28th, 2014 at the Riverside Apartment - An Phu, HR2B sponsored the 20th Annual AmCham’s USA Independence Day Celebration and Family Picnic.

In this celebration, the 700+ AmCham members, family and guests really appreciated the "All-American” flavor of the location, the food, and the entertainment.

From the arrival of the guests, the quality and selection of the food and beverage service, the numerous children’s activities, the array of American music, the cooking exhibition by American celebrity chef, Mr. Martin Yan, our program of the "Fourth of July Speeches” and the special music performances followed by the entry of the "Birthday Cake” contributed to the real feeling of an American style Independence Day Celebration, although we are half-way around the world.

Jeff Puchalski AmCham Governor, July 4th Event Committee Chair said "I’m writing to express the sincere appreciation of AmCham Governors and members for your (HR2B) support of the 20th Annual AmCham’s USA Independence Day Celebration and Family Picnic."

July 4th Cake

HR2B Joined Other Famous Sponsors

General Director HR2B Mr Tom Vovers Greets Guests

Deputy GD HR2B Ms Nguyen Thi Bich Hong posses for a Photo

Chef Martin Yan introduces dishes to guests

You can look for pictures of event via this link

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