An effective job search guide for Gen Z in the 4.0 technology era

Born in the 4.0 era and exposed to technology early, Gen Z will have their own career paths, especially looking for a suitable job. If you are a genuine Gen Z, the following is a few tips that HR2B would like to share to help you prepare for the next journey.
Create an impressive and quality CV
An outstanding CV will win the hearts and appreciation of the employer. 

An impressive CV helps you to attract the attention of the employer – Photo: Internet
At the same time, in the process of creating CV, the more Gen Z cares, the more they can grasp their own capabilities as well as properly orient themselves in their direction.
Create your own opportunities
The digital working environment requires a high degree of independence and autonomy in work. Therefore, Gen Z should create opportunities for themselves, connect with people around them through the application of technology, social networks, seminars, events, …
Besides, Gen Z can search for internships, volunteer programs or projects related to their career orientation to increase their experience.
Participate in the career orientation program
Currently, many enterprises combine with many high-end recruitment service providers to organize job fairs or career orientation seminars for students.

Career orientation seminars help Gen Z connect with enterprises – Photo: Internet.

Here, Gen Z can connect with many experts in the field of personnel recruitment, and better understand their own orientation as well as the requirements for the target job.  
Visit the website of personnel recruitment service
Websites providing quality recruitment services often provide the latest job information, matching each search criterion of candidates. Here, Gen Z will have many opportunities to choose the right job.
Improve knowledge and skills 
The speed of social movement and change has been getting faster and faster. Moreover, the labor market has been increasingly being competitive, and the employers have been increasingly demanding higher requirements for candidates.  
Therefore, Gen Z should supplement and improve their knowledge and skills to adapt, especially knowledge of technology, marketing and skills such as communication, teamwork and time management.
Gen Z should continuously learn and expand their knowledge through online materials such as books, websites, blogs, courses, …
Through the article, HR2B hopes that Gen Z people will know clearly what they need to prepare and what they want, thereby opening up many opportunities for themselves and finding the job they want. Good luck!

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