Why should business leaders use screening in Viet Nam?

Professional pre-screening can save you making a costly mistake.

HR2B processes around 1000 cvs each month. This experience has shown us common CVs problems in Viet Nam:

  • 35% Errors in Dates, Titles / Qualifications
  • 65% Omissions in Timeline
  • 80% Overstatements in Achievements

Your benefits

  • Reduce risk;
  • Reduce administration;
  • Make better hiring decisions;
  • Comply with your head office screening requirements;
  • Have a professional screening service provide a powerful incentive for all your candidates to provide accurate data on their education and past employment;

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What is Screening?

Screening involves the collection of legally available information which HR2B uses with the consent of the candidate to validate details of their identity, education and past employment.

Screening enables you to see a much fuller picture of the individual with which you intend to interact by verifying known factual data as well as researching a wide spectrum of other sources of information.

What are the screening services?

The types of Screening Programs that HR2B currently runs include (but are not limited to):

• Education Screening

  1. Contact with the educational institution;
    • in writing (required by the institutions in Viet Nam)
    • attaching copy of the certificate
    • by registered mail
    • Make two follow up call
  2. Request the institution to verify in writing that this certificate is authentic;
  3. Accept reply within 20 working days;
  4. Contact the Client via pre-agreed form completed in English;
  5. Education Check follow up (optional): In the case that the institution does not reply within 20 working days, HR2B will contact with the educational institution again and run through steps one to four.

Employment and Compensation Screening

  1. Call to company HR department;
  2. Confirm dates and final salary (where possible);
  3. Reply to Client with information that is legally obtainable;
  4. to be completed in 10 working days.

Supervisor Screening

  1. Call to the supervisor of the person for the past 3 jobs / 5 years;
  2. Discuss their actual performance;
  3. Discuss strengths and weaknesses;
  4. Discuss personality factors;
  5. Ask "would you hire them back?";
  6. Reply to Client with information that is legally obtainable;
  7. to be completed in 20 working days.

Sexual Offenders Screening

  • for our customers who work with children;
  • Check identity against seven international datasets of known sex offenders;
  • to be completed in three working days.

For other requirements on Screening, please leave us your notes and we’ll get back to you in the soonest time.

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